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Level measurement in a tank during the rising proces of dough

The hps+35/DIU/TC/E/G1 is an ultrasonic sensor specifically for level measurements in tanks with over pressure up to 5 bar and is therefore suited to monitor the level of dough during the rising process.

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Monitoring the level in a pressure tank during the production process of bread

An important part of the production proces of bread is the rising of dough. During this process yeast is added to the dough. This makes sure the dough is going to rise. This causes overpressure in the sealed tank which can increase up to 4 bar. The regulation of the rise process is essential, because if the quantity of yeast is too big, this could result in too much expansion of the dough. And because the mass of the product in the tank is increasing when rising, but the weight remains equal, a pressure sensor, loadcell or a power sensor realizes no reliable indication of the height of the dough in the tank.

Special pressure resistent ultrasonic sensor for a reliable measurement

Using a special ultrasonic sensor of microsonic delivers a reliable solution for this application. The hps+35/DIU/TC/E/G1 is an ultrasonic level sensor, specifically for level measurements in tanks with overpressure up to 5 bar. The sensor is mounted on the lid of the tank using a G1" process connection in combination with a FFKM O-ring. Because of the RVS316 housing and PTFE-protection of the membrane, the sensor is moreover protected against agressive media or cleaners. The sensor is equipped with analog as well as digital output and has a range of 85 up to 1500 mm. The hps+ is adjustable via the LED-display with touch buttons or if wished via the optional IO-Link interface on the PC or laptop. For applications where a bigger range is desirable, the hps+130/DIU/TC/E/G1 or the hps+340/DIU/TC/E/G2 form the solution for these issues.

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