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Continuous condition monitoring with thermal imaging cameras

Stopping machines results for a company in unnecessary downtime and many costs. Continuously monitoring conditions with thermal imaging cameras for example in machine factories and in the steel-industry ensures that machines will last longer, that disruptions are prevented and that costs are saved.
Continuous condition monitoring with thermal imaging cameras

Why condition monitoring is so important?

Condition monitoring is a maintenance approach where resources such as machines and installations are inspected. Furthermore with condition monitoring, problems can be detected early before mistakes or disruptions can occur. There are a couple of possibilities about when to carry out maintenance. This way, you can keep on running your equipment until a failure occurs. The disadvantage here is that the financial and operational consequences can be big when these involve a catastrophic failure. Another possibility is to regularly carry out repairs independent of the condition. That is not a cost-efficient solution. A proactive solution for many companies could be to set up a condition monitoring program where data about for example causes of failures are used to determine the true condition of a machine. This way, it becomes clear what the correct timing is to carry out maintenance checks and optional repairs.

When a company has succesfully applied condition monitoring this will have a positive effect on the costs and the productivity on the work floor.

  • Extended operating life of machines, engines and systems
  • Reduction of energy costs
  • Reduction of the needed time for maintenance
  • Optimisation of maintenance programs
  • Improved decision making on asset management
  • No more unplanned disruptions and unexpected downtime

Condition monitoring with thermal imaging cameras

Monitoring the conditions of machines, installations and areas will be possible with thermal imaging cameras. With these cameras you are able to capture images or measure temperatures in real-time in several machines, installations or on big terrains. Sensor Partners offers a couple of different (fixed) thermal imaging cameras which fit the requirements in your application.

Monitoring when burning down undesired by-products of waste gasses with flare stacks

Flare stacks can be used in many industries for example to burn down several undesired by-products of waste gasses. With thermal imaging cameras it will be possible to monitor this process fulltime, independent of the weather conditions. Moreover these cameras offer several technical and financial advantages in relation to technologies such as UV flame detectors and pyrometers. The FLIR A500f and A700f are (fixed) thermal imaging cameras in an industrial housing suited for built-in temperature analyses and furthermore have several alarm functions for condition monitoring in challenging outdoor applications.

Monitoring conditions day-and-night at energy companies

Many electrical substations as part of energy companies nowadays often have an outdated infrastructure. There is a growing risk here for fatal disruptions and mistakes or accidents. The recovery of these unplanned disruptions could have catastrophic consequences. With installed thermal imaging cameras at these substations, problems can be detected day-and-night. Also images can be sent in real-time from the camera to the monitoring location from a far distance. The FLIR A500f and A700f are (fixed) thermal imaging cameras in an industrial housing suited for built-in temperature analyses and furthermore have several alarm functions for condition monitoring in challenging outdoor applications.

Monitoring ladles in the steel factory

Steel mill ladles used for melting steel have a limited lifespan. The ladles have a protective layer and when these are damaged or in the worst case break off, the outer layer will get very hot. If this is not monitored in time, this could result in disintegration of the ladle which can endanger the lives of employees or other present equipment could be destroyed. The FLIR A500f and A700f are (fixed) thermal imaging cameras in an industrial housing suited for built-in temperature analyses and furthermore have several alarm functions for condition monitoring of these steel mill ladles.

Monitoring electrical & mechanical installations at production companies

Heat build-up in machines and installations in a production facility is not good for the health of equipment and can eventually cause for defects. By installing compact thermal imaging cameras in the machines and installations, the equipment can be monitored 24/7. The FLIR AX8 is suited for temperature control in several electrical and mechanical installations. The moment that a temperature limit s exceeded this will immediately be anounced using an alarm. 

For more information about what condition monitoring is and which thermal imaging camera is suited for your application you can contact one of our experts!