The lcs+100/DD is an ultrasonic sensor with 2x PNP switching output and range of 115 - 1,300 mm.
lcs+ ultrasonic sensors
The lcs+sensors have a cube-shaped plastic (PBT) housing (62.2 mm x 62.2 mm) with 4 mounting holes. All status information about the operation of the sensor is provided by 2x two-color LEDs. With two buttons, T1 and T2, all lcs+ sensor can be configured (Teach-in).
LinkControl gives access to the extensive number of options for the parametrization of the lcs+ ultrasonic sensor. Through the LCA-2 LinkControl adapter, the lcs+ sensors can be connected to the PC.
Synchronization of the lcs+ sensors
Easy to configure - In applications where multiple lcs+ sensors are used, the sensors can be synchronized in order to prevent mutual interference. In order to set this up, all sensors have to be connected to each other through pin 5. When there are more than 10 sensors, a SyncBox 1can be used. Synchronization through pin 5 is also possible in IO-Link mode.