The D-LAS2-Q-d0.15-R-HS trigger sensors measure very quickly whether the laser beam between transmitter and receiver is interrupted. The laser beam in combination with precision lenses allows a very high accuracy. For example, it is possible to detect screw threads where the transmitter and receiver are up to 100 meters apart. The choice of optics (round, rectangular and small or large opening) makes it possible to adapt the laser beam to the application. A smaller laser beam provides more accurate positioning, while a large laser beam is used for a larger detection area. The intensity of the transmitter and sensitivity of the receiver are adjustable via analog inputs.
A major advantage of the D-LAS trigger sensors compared to conventional trigger sensors is the handling of dirt. Conventional sensors work with a potentiometer with which the sensitivity is adjusted manually. When these conventional sensors subsequently experience more dirt, the sensitivity will not change accordingly. Unless an operator does this manually.
The D-LAS series, however, monitors the amount of dirt buildup and adjusts the dynamic sensitivity accordingly. This makes the sensor's switching behaviour consistent, as if there is no dirt.