Compressed air is a widely used energy source used for a variety of applications, such as powering machines, operating pneumatic tools and controlling processes. Unfortunately, in many industrial environments, significant amounts of compressed air are lost due to leaks.
Compressed air leaks can occur due to worn seals, damaged piping, improper installation or poor maintenance. These leaks prevent compressed air from arriving at the desired location, requiring additional air to be generated to compensate for the loss. This results in higher energy consumption and increased compressed air production costs.
Invisible cost
Save on an expensive form of energy
Energy loss: Compressed air is an expensive form of energy. Uncontrolled leaks cause a significant amount of produced compressed air to be lost before it reaches its intended purpose. This energy loss can lead to significant additional costs on energy bills. An example:
Sample situation*
Compressed air consumption per year: 12.131.000 m³
Average price compressed air: 2.5 cents per m³ at an energy price of €0.025 per KwH
Compressed air costs: € 303,275 per year
Example energy savings
Total loss of compressed air: 1,145,455 m³ per year
Compressed air leaks not only have financial consequences for companies, but also significant environmental impacts. Uncontrolled leaks contribute to a company's carbon footprint through unnecessary energy loss and increased energy production. This results in increased greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. By controlling and minimizing compressed air leaks, companies can not only save costs, but also reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. Controlling leaks is therefore an important aspect of striving for lower carbon emissions and greener operations.
Acoustic imaging cameras offer an effective solution for detecting air leaks in industrial environments. With their advanced detection capabilities, these cameras can detect the sound waves associated with air leaks. By imaging the sound, they can accurately identify the location of the leak. This enables companies to take quick and targeted action to fix the leak, resulting in significant energy savings and cost reductions. Acoustic imaging cameras allow air leaks to be efficiently detected and addressed, improving the overall efficiency and sustainability of industrial processes.